Intermediate Self Defenses

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Intermediate Self defense #1 4th KyuGreen Belt

  1. slide to left yanju godo, guide opponents punch with left hand tap block right knife hand turning block (shuto enkei uke);
  2. left low area roundhouse kick (gedan mawashi geri) to back of opponent’s right leg, right middle area roundhouse kick (chudan mawashi geri) to opponent’s abdomen, (Kiai);
  3. step back with right foot into fighting stance (moroashi dachi).

Intermediate Self defense #2 4th KyuGreen Belt

  1. right foot back into front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi), right high area block (jodan uke);
  2. right knife hand turning block (shuto enkei take) and grab opponent’s right arm;
  3. pull opponent’s arm down hard as you slide your right foot up to your left foot; step up left foot so you stand directly behind opponent, left arm across opponent’s neck
  4. twist left arm so palm faces out, step around 180 with your left foot pulling opponent’s head up and back laying opponent across your right leg while cradling opponent’s head in your biceps;
  5. right palm heel strike (shotei uchi) to opponent’s jaw; pull right hand back to ear (Kiai).

Intermediate Self defense #3 4th KyuGreen Belt

  1. right foot back into front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi), left high area block (jodan uke);
  2. grab opponent’s wrist with left hand, right forefist high area punch (seiken jodan gyaku tsuki) past right side of opponent’s head;
  3. grab back of opponent’s gi with right hand and pull down as you execute right knee kick (hiza geri) to opponent’s chest; land right foot next to opponents right leg, hip to hip;
  4. sweep opponent’s right leg by moving in to right zenkutsu dachi as you pull down on opponent’s wrist with left hand and use your right hand to push opponent’s shoulder taking opponent down;
  5. pin opponent’s hip with your right knee while bending opponent’s elbow over your left shin just under your knee; right punch to head or ribs; recoil (Kiai).

Intermediate Self defense #4 4th KyuGreen Belt

  1. right foot back into front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi), left high area block (jodan uke);
  2. grab opponent’s wrist with left hand, right forefist middle area punch to opponent’s chest (seiken chudan gyaku tsuki);
  3. right middle area front kick (chudan mae geri), right foot comes down to the outside of and behind opponent’s right foot, yanju godo;
  4. left leg steps up and out on same yanju godo line;
  5. using arch of left foot against opponent’s right heel sweep while left hand pulls opponent’s right hand downward using a circular motion to take opponent down;
  6. pin opponent’s hip with your right knee while bending opponent’s elbow over your left shin just under your knee; right punch to head or ribs; recoil (Kiai).

Intermediate Self defense #5 4th KyuGreen Belt

  1. step forward and out with left foot yanju godo putting both arms up at sides, trapping opponent’s right arm with your right arm at your elbow, pivot 90° on left foot, pulling right foot parallel to left foot, left high area outside in forearm strike (jodan kote soto uchi) arm break;
  2. left high area punch past opponent’s head (jodan tsuki);
  3. sweep opponent’s right leg using arch of left foot against opponent’s right heel while pushing opponent across chest with left arm
  4. grab opponents right wrist with left hand, palm facing out; pull opponent down; pin opponent’s hip with your right knee while bending opponent’s right elbow over your left shin just under your knee; right punch to head or ribs; recoil (Kiai).

Intermediate Self defense #6 3rd KyuGreen Belt

  1. left foot back into right front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi), left high area block (jodan gyaku uke);
  2. right forefist low area lunge punch (seiken gedan oi tsuki);
  3. slide left foot up to right foot then out left 45 to horse stance (kiba dachi),right inner knife hand strike (haito uchi) to back of opponent’s right knee, left body strike to opponent’s upper body throwing opponent over;
  4. follow opponent to ground and dig your right knee into opponent’s hip while pushing opponent’s right shoulder down with your left hand; right punch to head, (Kiai).

Intermediate Self defense #7 3rd KyuGreen Belt

  1. left foot back into front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi), left high area block (jodan gyaku uke);
  2. right forefist low area lunge punch (seiken gedan oi tsuki);
  3. slide left foot up to right foot; squat down;
  4. grab back of opponent’s right ankle just above the floor with your right hand and use your left hand to push opponent’s right knee from the outside towards the left taking opponent off balance, throw opponent’s leg over;
  5. follow opponent to ground and dig your knee into opponent’s hip while pushing opponent’s right shoulder down with your left hand; right punch to head, (Kiai).

Intermediate Self defense #8 3rd KyuGreen Belt

  1. right foot back into front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi), left high area block (jodan uke); pull opponents arm towards your left side;
  2. right high area roundhouse kick (jodan mawashi geri);
  3. right foot lands behind opponent’s right foot;
  4. put hands on ground, bump opponent with your hip; left leg hook kick (kake geri) to opponents mid section and trip with right leg to take opponent down;
  5. follow opponent over and roll onto your left side (then on top of opponent with both hands to left side of opponent);
  6. execute right roundhouse kick (mawashi geri) from ground to opponent’s head, (Kiai);
  7. recover to a ready position on the ground.

Intermediate Self defense #9 3rd KyuGreen Belt

  1. dive to the ground onto your right side;
  2. slide left foot in front of opponent’s left foot;
  3. execute left joint kick (kansetsu geri) from ground to opponent’s right knee [strike behind knee to avoid injury];
  4. hook oppponent’s left ankle, scissor opponent’s right leg to knock opponent down;
  5. follow opponent over and roll onto your left side;
  6. execute right roundhouse kick (mawashi geri) from ground to opponent’s head, (Kiai);
  7. recover to a ready position on the ground.

Intermediate Self defense #10 2nd KyuBrown Belt

  1. right foot back into front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi), high area hand cross block (jodan juji uke);
  2. grab opponent’s right wrist like a baseball bat and twist while sliding under opponent’s arm, then pull opponent forward;
  3. pivot on left foot returning to original position;
  4. push opponents right arm into shoulder joint, then pull back
  5. right middle area front kick (chudan mae geri) to opponent’s abdomen, (Kiai);
  6. use your right hand to execute wrist lock on opponent’s right hand; your thumbs parallel and below opponent’s fingers, other fingers cross opponent’s wrist;
  7. slide your left hand down to opponent’s right elbow to execute elbow lock; or slide in and execute shoulder block;
  8. left foot forward into front leaning stance (zenkutsu dachi);
  9. drop down to right knee then to left knee into kneeling position (seiza) while pinning opponent face down.
  10. fold opponent’s right arm at elbow, roll opponent over, come to ready position.