Japanese terminology

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Commands & Phrases

Japanese Pronunciation Kanji English
Arigato Gozaimasu ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zai-mas ありがとうございます Thank You Very Much
Hajime hah-jee-may 始め Begin
Kiotsuke Kee-oh-skay 気を付け Attention! Stand up straight!
Matte mah-tay 待って Wait
Mawatte mah-wah-tay 回って Turn Around
Mokuso moh-koo-soh 黙想 Quiet Meditation
Onegai Shimasu oh-neh-guy-she-mas お願いします Please (Teach Me)
Otagai ni Rei oh-tah-gah-ee nee ray お互いに礼 Bow to Each Other
Rei Ray Bow with Respect
Sensei ni Rey sen-say nee ray 先生に礼 Bow to the Teacher
Shomen ni Rei shoh-men ni ray 正面に礼 Bow to the Front
Yame yah-may 止め Stop
Yoi Yoy 用意 Ready, Attention

Ranks & Titles

Japanese Pronunciation Kanji English

Karate Ranks

Kyu Kyew Ranks below Black Belt
Dan Dahn Ranks of Black Belt
Shodan-Ho show-dahn hoe 初段補 Probationary First Degree Black Belt
Shodan show-dahn 初段 First Degree Black Belt
Nidan nee-dahn 二段 Second Degree Black Belt
Sandan san-dahn 三段 Third Degree Black Belt
Yondan yohn-dahn 四段 Fourth Degree Black Belt
Godan go-dahn 五段 Fifth Degree Black Belt
Rokudan rohk-oo-dahn 六段 Sixth Degree Black Belt
Nanadan nah-nah-dahn 七段 Seventh Degree Black Belt
Hachidan hach-ee-dahn 八段 Eighth Degree Black Belt
Kudan koo-dahn 九段 Ninth Degree Black Belt
Judan joo-dahn 十段 Tenth Degree Black Belt
Joshu-Shoban joh-shoo show-ban 助手初版 Junior First Degree Black Belt

Teaching Ranks

Sempai sehm-pie 先輩 Senior Student
Sensei sehn-say 先生 Teacher
Shihan she-han 師範 Teacher of Teachers

Miscellaneous Terms

Japanese Pronunciation Kanji English
Bunkai Boon-kai 分解 Application of Kata Techniques (lit. picking apart)
Dojo doe-joe 道場 Place to Learn the Way
Gi ghee Karate Uniform
Hai hi はい Yes
Hidari hee-dah-ree Left
Iya ee-yay いいえ No
Kamiza kah-me-zah 上座 Seat of Honor, Shrine
Kiai key-eye 気合 Spirit Yell
Kihon key-hon 基本 Basics
Kumite koo-meh-tay 組手 Sparring
Obi oh-bee Karate Belt
Migi mee-gee Right
Waza wah-zah Technique
Yakusoku Kumite yah-k(oo)-soh-koo koo-meh-tay 約束組手 Pre-arranged Sparring

Kazu (Numbers)

Japanese Phonetic Kanji English
Ichi eech One
Ni nee Two
San san Three
Shi (Yon) she Four
Go go Five
Roku roke Six
Shichi (Nana) seech Seven
Hachi hach Eight
Ku koo Nine
Ju joo Ten