Saiha Kata

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Brown Belt
  • A. Mokuso
  • B. Saiha
  • C. Yoi: Ki
  1. R. foot steps forward 45° into zenkutsu dachi with clenched R. fist with fingers down in palm of L. hand, bring L. foot up into musubi dachi facing L with hands in R chamber.
  2. R. hiji jodan ate.
  3. Slide L. foot back into kiba dachi, grab opponent’s hair with L. hand, R. uraken shommen uchi.
  4. L. foot steps forward 45° into zenkutsu dachi with clenched L. fist with fingers down in palm of R. hand, bring R. foot up into musubi dachi facing R with hands in L chamber.
  5. L. hiji jodan ate.
  6. Slide R. foot back into kiba dachi, grab opponent’s hair with R. hand, L. uraken shommen uchi.
  7. Repeat No. 1
  8. Repeat No. 2
  9. Repeat No. 3
  10. L. foot comes up to R. and L. foot slides L into R. nekoasho dachi, execute shuto uche uke, gedan barai (slowly), looking towards the R ending R hand down.
  11. Look quickly to the front, R. mae geri, slide R into L. nekoashi dachi, execute shuto uchi uke, gedan barai (slowly), looking towards the L ending L hand down.
  12. Look quickly to the front, L. mae geri, step back into R. zenkutsu dachi, jodan morote haito uchi, draw back jodan morote tsuki.
  13. L. hand open, swing wide arc, R. tettsui against L. palm.
  14. R. foot steps across, hands still together, mawatte into L. zenkutsu dachi, jodan morote haito uchi, draw back jodan morote tsuki.
  15. R. hand opens, swing wide arc, L. tettsui against R. palm.
  16. R. foot sweep, turn 180° into R. sanchin dachi, R. tettsui to the chest KIAI.
  17. Pivot into R. nekoashi dachi, R. hand grabs hair, left shita uchi.
  18. L. foot sweep, turn 180° into L. sanchin dachi, L. tettsui to the chest. KIAI.
  19. Pivot into L. nekoashi dachi, L. hand grabs hair, R. shita uchi.
  20. Step into R. zenkutsu dachi, L. chudan gyaku tsuki.
  21. L foot steps across/in front of R, L hand across chest, R hand behind back; pivot on R. foot 180 ° clockwise; step L. foot back into R. kokutsu dachi, hook opponent’s neck with R. haito uke, L. shita nukite.
  22. Modified L. shuto maiwaishi uke, draw back ki.
  23. Return to musubi dachi.

