Sanchin kata

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Yellow Belt
  • A. Mokuso- meditation, close eyes, bring feet together into open toe stance (musubi dachi), lock hands in front with left hand on top.
  • B. Sanchin Kata
  • C. Yoi : Ibuki, then come to the ready, rise up on balls of feet, kick heels out, cross arms with right hand in front, open hands in front of throat and bring hands down to sides while closing fists and breathing forcefully (ibuki), come down into parallel stance (heiko dachi).
    1. right foot slide forward into three point stance (sanchin dachi), double upward forearm block (morote kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    2. pull left hand pull back, left forefist middle area punch (seiken chudan tsuki) while breathing forcefully (ibuki), left upward forearm block (kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    3. left foot slide forward into three point stance (sanchin dachi).
    4. pull right hand back, right forefist middle area punch (seiken chudan tsuki) while breathing forcefully (ibuki), right upward forearm block (kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    5. right foot slide forward into three point stance (sanchin dachi).
    6. pull left hand back, left forefist middle area hook punch (seiken chudan kake tsuki) under right elbow while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    7. look left, right foot slide across in front of left foot to the point, pivot 180° into three point stance (sanchin dachi) with left foot forward, left middle area inside out block (chudan uchi uke).
    8. right forefist middle area punch (seiken chudan tsuki) while breathing forcefully (ibuki), right upward forearm block (kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki)
    9. right foot slide forward into three point stance (sanchin dachi)
    10. pull left hand back, left forefist middle area hook punch (seiken chudan kake tsuki) under right elbow while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    11. look left, right foot slide across in front of left foot to the point, pivot 180° into three point stance (sanchin dachi) with left foot forward, left middle area inside out block (chudan uchi uke).
    12. right forefist middle area punch (seiken chudan tsuki) while breathing forcefully (ibuki), right upward forearm block (kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    13. right foot slide forward into three point stance (sanchin dachi).
    14. left forefist middle area punch (seiken chudan tsuki) while breathing forcefully (ibuki), left upward forearm block (kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    15. right forefist middle area punch (seiken chudan tsuki) while breathing forcefully (ibuki), right upward forearm block (kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    16. left forefist middle area punch (seiken chudan tsuki) while breathing forcefully (ibuki), left upward forearm block (kote uke) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    17. reach up with hands back to back as though to grab opponent’s lapels, pull hands back into your sides with fists up, middle area double spear hand thrust (chudan morote nukite) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    18. reach up with hands back to back as though to grab opponent’s lapels, pull hands back into your sides with fists up, middle area double spear hand thrust (chudan morote nukite) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    19. reach up with hands back to back as though to grab opponent’s lapels, pull hands back into your sides with fists up, middle area double spear hand thrust (chudan morote nukite) while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    20. right foot step back into three point stance (sanchin dachi) with left foot forward, right knife hand roundhouse block (shuto mawashi uke), bring open hands back under arms then push forward while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    21. left foot step back into three point stance (sanchin dachi) with right foot forward, left knife hand roundhouse block (shuto mawashi uke), bring open hands back under arms then push forward while breathing forcefully (ibuki).
    22. turn left heel in, bring right foot back into open toe stance (musubi dachi), bring hands together in front of throat palms facing you, slowly lower hands together in front with left hand on top and thumbs interlocked.
