Capital District Martial Arts Center, in conjunction with the Daito Ryu Kodokai East Coast Hombu Dojo, presents a intensive training session with Hayawo Kiyama Shihan in the beautiful art of Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu. Kiyama Shihan is director of Daito Ryu Kodokai in North America and the only Shihan outside of Japan representing this 1200 year old art. This is a unique opportunity to experience training with one of the world’s top exponents in this Ancient Martial Art. This seminar is for serious martial artists only and space is limited to 40 participants. Please join us for a day of training with one of the great martial artists of our time!
Date: June 6th and June 7th
Time: Saturday 12pm-5pm / Sunday 10am-3pm
Cost : Saturday only $100 (payment by check or money order)
Make checks payable to: Daito Ryu Kodokai East Coast
Send payment to Daito Ryu Kodokai East Coast Region c/o David LoPriore 339 Flanders Rd Suite 107. East Lyme, CT. 06333
There will be an additional charge of $15.00 for members that register after May 22nd and $25 for non-members.
- Location: 3 Normanskill Blvd Delmar N.Y.12054
- Contact info:
- Tony DiSarro
- ph# (518) 330-3656
- e-mail
- Hotel info: (Be sure to mention “kodokai” to receive the discounted room rate)
- Comfort Inn Glenmont NY (518)465-8811 has offered a rate of $99/night.
- Also the Hampton Inn Downtown Albany at a rate of 109.00/night (518)432-7000
- Please check our FB page for updates on additional hotel info!
RT @DeweysMAA: Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Kodokai With Hayawo Kiyama Shihan: Special training opportunity…